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Helping you go back to your normal way of living.
We understand the challenges most individuals face after recovering from a disability, injury, or illness. One of which is that they are having a hard time returning to their normal way of living due to their compromised strength. The MOG Home Health Care Services occupational therapist works with each patient and their family to determine what’s most important to the patient. Based on the patient’s goals, an occupational therapy program is designed to help the patient return to their regular daily activities.
Our occupational therapists can help you with the following:
  • Adaptive Devices Training
  • Assistance with Daily Living Activities
  • Home Assessment for Safety
  • Flexibility Training
  • Motor Processing Activities
  • Occupation-Based Activities
  • Re-education of Basic Living Skills
  • And more
Should you have further inquiries and clarifications regarding this service, please feel free to give us a call at 484-278-4805.